![]() Ken Shearer and Pacifico A. Palumbo would like to thank the following: The Colrain Selectmen for their initial support
Thanks to: Merle and Bev and the Colrain Veterans for their much appreciated moral support of this project. Special Thanks to: Gary, Wayne, Mellon, Walt, Griff, Tim and Pops for their help in construction of the Flag. Special Thanks to: Patric DuBreuil for his support, his photography, and for creating and maintaining this website with the assistance of Maryssa. Thanks to all those who participated in the Lighting Ceremony on Sunday, November 25th, including Massachusetts Senator Stan Rosenberg, Massachusetts State Representatives John Merrigan and Shaun Kelley, Kennedy-Chamberlin VFW Post 8503 Womens Auxilliary, Colrain Police Department, Charlie Hunting, Colrain Boy Scout Troop 121, and the huge crowd in attendance. Thank you to all those who have supported the project, whether it be verbally, or with the honk of a horn, or financially. Financial Contributors Susan A. Maher * William Austen * Joan Rockwell * Citizens for John Merrigan * Kennedy-Chamberlin VFW Post 8503 * Kostanski Funeral Home * Michael Cohen & Patricia (Chia) Collins * Curtis Hunting * R. Gary Stetson * Conway Garden Club * Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters * Lyle H. Hall, Teresa M. Hall, Thomas L. Hall * Lois A. Hill & Frank E. Hill * Lynn Cantell * Richard Hamilton & Deborah Hamilton * Roxy Wiles * Kenneth Willis & Nancy L. Willis * Harmon Personnel Services, Inc. * Bank of Western Massachusetts * Russell Thomas & Sandra Freed Thomas * Newt & Ginni Brocius * Turner & Cook, Inc. * Country Oil * Greenfield Co-operative Bank * Thomas Hall & Belinda Hall * Kenneth Bigelow * Donald Rice & Sherry Rice * Lyle Hall, Inc. * Needful Things * Jo Ann & Al Consolette * Karen Devine * Alvin N. Dyer * Pamela Kelleher * Dorothy Daley * Anna Marie DeGeorge * Dorothy & Paul DeGeorge * Mary Lou DuFresne * George & Luella McLoughlin * Laurier & Adeline Fortier * Herbert & Barbara Purington * Colrain Lions Club * Virginia C. Allis * Greenfield Glass * Leon Weeks, Tire Warehouse * Don Lorenz * Joan McQuade * Kim & Carol Gregory * Nelson Shiflett, Valley Home Improvement * Marty & Jan McGuane * Delores Viarengo * Lydia Poole * Vivian & Glen Williams * Norma & Brian Donelson * Kendra & Alan Daniel * Bob Purrington * Craig Hunting * Dennis Coombs * Sandy Thomas, NESE * and all the anonymous contributors who made donations at Pine Hill Orchards |
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Image Copyright © 2001 Pacifico A. Palumbo / all rights reserved